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Not your Momma’s Macaroni

By Trina | December 14, 2014

So the other night, I was looking around craving Kraft Macaroni and cheese…. You know the powdered cheese! I usually keep a couple on hand just incase of kids coming over or an emergency dinner! But alas, not this night. I searched around for something and found the elbow noodles and started the water to…

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What to cook??

By Trina | December 5, 2014

What do you cook? I get asked that question alot whether it’s for the ranch clinic I do where I feed some 30 folks breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as ride with them and of course have a ball in my bar during the evenings!! Or they ask me what I eat when Peter…

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A Tapenade Adventure

By Trina | October 13, 2014

So exactly where did Tapenade come from? I figured it was french due to the sounding of the word, but looking into old Google! one finds out this…Olive-based tapenades with anchovies and/or vinegar are ubiquitous in Italian cuisine and are documented in ancient Roman cookbooks dating back thousands of years before the appearance of the…

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Pear today… Pie Tomorrow

By Trina | October 6, 2014

So, I found these lovely red pears and bought them just “cuz”…. When I got home I remembered seeing poached pears or something to that effect. So I “googled” and found caramelized pears! yummmmmm I did three different recipes with the 3 pears I bought… And it turned out great! Now remember I don’t measure well…

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Maybelle’s Feta Cheese ~

By Trina | September 29, 2014

With fall fast approaching, I seem to be busier than ever but still have some time to make some great Feta cheese! Now I use Maybelle’s (my milk cow) fresh milk! So if you buy store bought milk you will age it a bit differently… First off you will need a gallon of fresh milk– I…

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A Girl in her Garden

By Trina | September 22, 2014

With all my traveling, the garden has become more jungle-like than garden-like, but I like it with crazy sunflowers growing, the pickles climbing the huge dill plants and up my tomato sticks! The carrots have grown to massive proportions but alas some ugly bug has eaten my cabbage. The pigs will be happy to eat…

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Fried Green Tomatoes

By Trina | September 15, 2014

Fall is approaching and for some of us it seems some tomatoes just don’t want to change color! I have a few ideas up my sleeve to help you deal with it. First, pick some of those greenies and slice them about 1/4 of an inch thick, bread them in flour, then egg and milk…

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Accalaides… for Friday

By Trina | September 12, 2014

In a world of fancy technology, it’s pretty simple now a days to click “like” or “share” without any true personal involvement. I have been following a page on Facebook of a dear lady that lives in our town who is dying of cancer. Many, many years ago I met Miss Barbie after she cancelled my…

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I Walk the Line!

By Trina | September 8, 2014

Well, Labor Day long weekend brought a whirlwind of events. I returned to Prince Edward Island, Canada for a second clinic, this time involving cattle and had a surprise visit to Peter’s Michigan clinic! Now let me just tell you, this trip to PEI was via JFK airport, so technically speaking I can now say…

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The Plight of the Pichuberry

By Trina | July 8, 2014

The pichuberry scientific name Physalis Peruviana. This fruit is native to Peru and has been closely aligned with the Lost Incan Civilization and Machu Picchu. It has many names and when looking for recipes you may have to search Cape Gooseberry, Goldenberry, Ground Cherry, and Uchuva. In my small little town Safeway store I happened…

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