Saddle Up & Experience the Journey of Horsemanship
Educate. Engage. Evolve
The Trusted Expert in Horse Training
Three decades and fifty thousand horses and counting, Trina is a lifelong student of the horse and one of the longest running clinicians.
:: Over 30 years riding and training horses for the public on the ranch and conducting horsemanship, colt starting and cow working clinics all over the US and Canada.
:: Rode under Three Day Evening Olympian and National Champion, Robin Hahn.
:: Art Of The Cowgirl two time clinician and horsemanship mentor.
:: Featured in the April 2024 issue of Western Horseman.
:: Featured online video for Western Horseman in 2020.
:: Current Mustang Heritage Foundation trustee.
:: Numerous appearances on Equestrian Legacy Radio podcasts.
Whether you are from the country or the city, channel your inner cowgirl at Trina Morris Horsemanship. Join Trina in her continuing journey of horsemanship, all over the US and Canada.
Live the horsemanship through milking cows, learning the fine art of packing a horse, all varieties of ranch work including how to trim and shoe a horse, to chasing geese and collecting eggs, and all the adventures, recipes, and troubles we can find ourselves in!
Below is a testament to her life dedication to her craft. A featured interview in the April 2024 issue of the iconic magazine, Western Horseman. Be sure to get your issue today!

Trina’s Vision in Life
Trina is constantly working to help you improve—be it in horsemanship or as an individual. Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving with a well-preserved body, but rather to skid sideways, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming, “Whoa! What a ride!”
Trina The Cowgirl
Early Life
Born and raised on the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rockies, Trina Morris has earned her way to become a talented horsewoman. Her horseback life began as a 2-year-old riding in a packing box to Mt. Assiniboine learning the tricks of the trade from her farrier, teamster, and outfitter father.
In her teen years, she jumped into the world of English riding and completed a 3-day event, hunter and jumper. To learn more about show jumping, Trina traveled to New Zealand's best and drifted into the world of Pleasure Horses.
Trina has been featured on Equestrian Legacy Radio, Western Horseman, The Heart of Horsemanship Podcast, Horseman's Round Up
Personal Life
Upon returning to Canada, she met her late husband and moved to California where she cowboyed near the ocean calving heifers and doctoring cattle. Trina now resides in Wheatland, Wyoming on her ranch where she has a small herd of cattle and readies a few nice horses for resale every year. She conducts horsemanship and cow working clinics for people all over North America.
Learn More About Trina’s Clinic Schedule
Kindly check the clinic schedule so you can have an idea of what Trina offers. She included the rates, payment methods, and class descriptions for you.
Get in Touch
Reach out to Trina for more details about her services. Trina is more than happy to answer any questions you may have.