I saw this quote and it triggered many things in my mind…whether its horsemanship or life… until we can let go of our past… we are stuck in the mediocrity of our present… when we embrace our future and fall forward into our destiny we are given … our mind will free up and our soul will start making tracks on this new path… yet fear sneaks its tentacles into our minds and tries to hold it steady… fear likes mediocrity …
So what can we do?
I say we jump with both feet, letting go of the edge and falling into a whirlwind of adventure…
Your next question I can feel it is… what if I fail?
Well… let’s weigh the odds sunshine… if you fail… at least you failed at something you love! You failed with passion! But alas… what is you succeed? Is that why greater than your fear?
Unless we unleash our inner cowgirl and have the courage to conquer our fear and step into our future we shall be stuck in the basement of our past…
What is your choice?
I know what mine is ?❤