From Epic Fail to Amazing Crumpets
Crumpets originated in Wales, which I am part Welsh! This chilly morning after my run with the dogs, I decided to make crumpets. My Pops used to like them and it was a treat when he would bring them home.
My Mini Ranch Clinics are filling up for 2021. I want for people to dip into ranching life, grand horsemanship, beautiful scenery and a chance to relax, revive and hopefully leave refreshed. I want for my guests and students to truly immerse themselves in a weekend built just for them! And of course, I also want them to eat well and eat some of the favorite things Pops raised me on!

In the spirit of “being early”, here I am perfecting some recipes now. The first recipe I found, the blog overwhelmingly said they were the best, so I tried the complicated recipe all the while thinking “the Welsh had no time for this. But its the best, according to this recipe blog!” No. No, ma’am its not. I ended up with very heavy pancakes. At least Zeus (the ranch Doberman Pinscher) enjoyed them. Even my trusty Elena didn’t want one (and yes, those that know her, I buttered it ). Epic fail.

Alas, more homework needed. I fell upon Warburtons, UK’s biggest commercial crumpet maker. They released their recipe hoping to cheer people up during the lockdown. I went from one complicated, not crumpet tasting recipe to a slick, simple badass tasting crumpet! If you don’t know – they’re like a cross between an English muffin and pancakes. Their distinguishing feature is the surface that’s riddled with holes which allows butter to permeate through from top to bottom. The surface has a unique almost “spongey” texture, but it’s very fluffy inside, just like bread!
Now that you are up to snuff with my idea, while waiting for it to bubble, I learned I needed crumpet rings. Thanks to tin foil, I made myself ranch rings.
A crumpet with butter, strawberry freezer jam and fresh whipped cream (fresh….not from a can my friends) was a fabulous way to try my second experiment. I must say – I can’t wait to toast a crumpet tomorrow and have it with butter and honey for breakfast.

And here we have the finished product, the amazing crumpet!Well… it’s warmer outside, I’ll drop the chef hat for ranch hand hat! xoxo Trina