With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility…

“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”

― Maya Angelou

Whenever we start out at anything — we make mistakes… we fall… as we learn… we grow… as we grow… we gain confidence… and as we gain confidence we can split and either stay humble with gratitude or we can acquire an arrogance of knowing it all…

Like a dear friend always says to me, “Remember who brought you to the dance.”

Ozzy Osbourne I believe said, “You should be careful you shit on, on the way up as you are going to see them again on the way down.”

I chose to take the path of humble and grateful… I choose to help those trying to help themselves… I choose good… Do I falter and fall — yep — but I get up and make sure I am better the next time around… Am I seeking perfection — you bet I am — but to me, perfection will never happen as we are always learning — so we strive for that shining star — although it steps further back the more we expose ourselves to knowledge and life, as we find out there is so much more than we can ever imagine.

And you must remember… You are always free to make your choices, but alas you are not free to choose the consequences.

So why do we make poor choices? Is it a moment of weakness? envy? ego? or just straight out not thinking? — food for thought to discuss with your inner self…

I would rather read books, listen to people, see posts on Facebook that are people choosing good, choosing to stay by their word and not waiver for fame or fortune… I love reading what the young single mom of 3 is doing with her home based business! Or the person that posts beautiful ocean pictures… I say bring it on!!! If you are trying from your heart with passion to do your best in life — I love it!

Those that feel the need to criticize, belittle and laugh at who they think is not on “their level” — better go look in the mirror — and go over the facts — your insecurities of who you truly are — are shining right through your smart ass words… Why not take a path that instead helps a person up, gives them faith they can obtain whatever they set their heart to? Did I say candy coat it with swirly twirly gumdrops and rainbows? NO!!! Find a way to help someone, be a better person– and it will make you a better person…

but who am I to judge… Not me… but I do know you get one chance at integrity…. it’s like virginity… once you lose it — it’s gone…

So a little homework — can you look in the mirror and truly be accountable for yourself and say you are doing the best you can do? not “trying”, not “hoping’ it works out — but truly “doing” — doesn’t matter what you tell Facebook -your friends- your wife or husband — it’s that person staring back in the glass you have to answer too…

