Get lost… Do you remember what it’s like to be 2? The wonders of the world… everything was fascinating, you would touch, smell and feel of all that surrounded you… when you heard something you mimicked it… excited you could copy the sound… attitude is one of the most important successes a person can develop through out life… as we embark on adulthood we of course have bad moments, horrible situations and devastating occurrences… it’s not the what happens to us… it’s how we deal with that matures our inner being… bitter? Or better? And how authentic in your actions are you? Are you truly working on your insides for you? That is a difficult task… asking for validation from the outer world means you always will… it’s a wearing process on our souls… finding validation within you is the learning journey… yet so difficult as it justifies you must be accountable for all your actions… if we don’t invest in ourselves how can we ever invest in others… so get lost… find that two year old and begin your relationship with yourself ❤️
Posted in Inspiration & Philosophy