Well, it’s clouded over and started to snow… I am too lazy to wander outside and pick a pork product to cook or the other freezer for some beef! I look in my fridge at the last head of cabbage from my garden and some left over jalapenos, broccoli, baby kale and of course my…

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So the other night, I was looking around craving Kraft Macaroni and cheese…. You know the powdered cheese! I usually keep a couple on hand just incase of kids coming over or an emergency dinner! But alas, not this night. I searched around for something and found the elbow noodles and started the water to…

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What do you cook? I get asked that question alot whether it’s for the ranch clinic I do where I feed some 30 folks breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as ride with them and of course have a ball in my bar during the evenings!! Or they ask me what I eat when Peter…

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So exactly where did Tapenade come from? I figured it was french due to the sounding of the word, but looking into old Google! one finds out this…Olive-based tapenades with anchovies and/or vinegar are ubiquitous in Italian cuisine and are documented in ancient Roman cookbooks dating back thousands of years before the appearance of the…

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So, I found these lovely red pears and bought them just “cuz”…. When I got home I remembered seeing poached pears or something to that effect. So I “googled” and found caramelized pears! yummmmmm I did three different recipes with the 3 pears I bought… And it turned out great! Now remember I don’t measure well…

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